Models / Sunshine

Sunshine has the most scenes on Toticos. She speaks near perfect english and was one of the first Dominican girls I met in Sosua many years ago. She will guide you through Cabana tours, bars/clubs, and perform in her own scenes as well in both english and Spanish.
Sunshine Updates
My black ass has said this time and time again, there is always ‘someone’ watching your ass in the DR… even on seemingly remote/private desolate beaches where you can hear a mosquito fart. As you negroes know I’ve been meaning to film some sex scenes on the beach for the past week or so and all the torrential rains in… Read More »
Fools is trippin lately in Sosua, although its currently “high season” for tourism that’s got little to do with it. Sosua is just like the wild west and always has been, and for those of you that don’t know many of the girls on Toticos are street girls from there. Anything goes in Sosua, and I do mean anything. There… Read More »
Yep, I’m back from under a 19yr old Dominican girls soft round ass here and I finally wrapped up production of Sunshine’s 5th DVD today, and am moving onto the next wave of Dominican porn girls now for Toticos.com. If I can only get this little young shorty to do some videos with me you dirty fucks would love her… Read More »
What’s good folks… things are getting a little crazy in Sosua and all over the DR in general due to next weeks upcoming presidential election, so I’ve been keeping my black ass out of the streets because there is a lot of crazy shit going on that I guess you have to be Dominican to understand. I will pass. There… Read More »